Outside of a mandatory period conforming to current law (8:00am to 7:30pm on weekdays, starting the third Thursday prior to a given Election), individual county Boards of Elections have leeway to open Early Voting for additional time on weekends. County Boards of Elections may also shorten weekday Early Voting hours to business hours (8:00am to 5:00pm) for odd-year Elections and 2nd Primaries, accounting for volume.
If the decision is made to open Early Voting sites on a weekend day or days, all sites must be open for the same hours on said day or days. Note that the last Saturday prior to an Election is always open for Early Voting until 3:00pm by law and is included as part of the standard required Early Voting period. Any other weekend days are in addition to that Saturday.
The number of early voting sites open during a particular Election is contingent upon volume expected in that Election, jurisdictions applicable, and specific site considerations. This decision is up to each county Board of Elections, and is submitted a few months before each Election for State approval. Counties whose Boards cannot unanimously agree on a plan have whatever disputes there are settled by the State.
In Alamance County, there has been little contention over Early Voting hours. Typically, our Board agrees on one or two additional weekend Early Voting days, a Saturday and/or a Sunday, and often a third weekend day for General Presidential Elections.